Integrated Pharmacy Benefits Lower Healthcare Costs
Choosing the right pharmacy partner impacts more than prescription costs.
Integrated medical and prescription coverage improves patient outcomes and
lowers healthcare costs.
To learn more about our pharmacy solutions call us or contact your AZ Blue Business Development Executive.
Connecting data improves collaboration and results
Through deep integration, we are enhancing population management, outcomes, and affordability for employers and members. Integrated medical, pharmacy, and clinical data provides visibility across the health spectrum empowering better collaboration and decisions.
Visibility for All
Integrating medical, pharmacy, and clinical data improves collaboration, utilization management, and patient engagement.Improving Provider Collaboration
Automation, pre-certifications, real-time information for available drug options and other patient factors leads to more informed decisions.Simplifying the Member Experience
Engaging members early with support from local care managers helps make care more informed, accessible, and affordable.
Pharmacy integration lowers the total cost of care
A large, peer-reviewed regional study found that carve-in pharmacy benefits were associated with 4% lower per member per year (PMPY) medical costs and utilization. The study report compared managing pharmacy and medical benefits separately to “having two air traffic controllers directing one plane,” potentially hurting the employer and the member receiving care.1
Average PMPY Medical Cost Savings
Lower Hospitalization Rate
Fewer ER Visits
Lowering out-of-pocket costs, driving compliance
Working with Sempre Health, we’re lowering members’ prescription costs by as much as 55% and improving adherence to life-saving medications. Let us show you how it works.